12:00PM EST to 12:00AM EST
Any team that plays in this league must have passed team registration and paid the league Registration Fee. Home jersey must be predominantly white or light gray. Away jersey can be any color except white or light gray. Every team court must have a form of the URG League logo on it. Courts must be all wood, color is allowed in the paint and apron.
WE DO NOT ALLOW NBA or College team logos! Your team logo must be owned by you or a teammate and does not belong to any other entity. Failing to use a custom logo will result in a failed team registration.
At registration, players are required to have a primary position but can use any position as long as that player is on the roster.
Each player may only play on one team for the duration of a tournament. You may not play on multiple teams with multiple accounts. A player may, however, register multiple GT/PSN for a single team.
- Team Registration Fee – $30-$100 based on event
- Late Registration Fee — $10
- Additional Player Fee – $10 per player
- Player Name Change Fee – $10 per change
- Transfer of Ownership Fee — $20
- Team Rebranding Fee — $30
- Emergency Sub Fee (Playoffs) — $20
There will be no refunds issued for the above fees. Registration and roster fees are expected to be sent to the CashApp: $URGLeague and proof of payment is required via screenshot submission. If this isn’t possible reach out to an admin through Discord or Twitter for an alternative method.
The rules contained here are intended to be explanatory in nature. URG League cannot predict every case that may come up in advance. Additionally, unintended loopholes in the language may exist. If the technical language of a rule doesn’t fit with the intent of the rule, there’s a loophole, or other abusive behavior is occurring, URG League reserves the right to amend and enforce any and all of its rules retroactively conforming to its intents and in the spirit of fair competition.
N/A shot timing is banned.
Any discrepancies in rules will be left to the commissioner’s final ruling. The URG League commissioner’s ruling is final. By signing up for this league you accept any and all decisions the URG League commissioner makes regardless of what this rule page states.
Teams will match up using Private Matchmaking. Ranked games will not be considered tournament games.
You must play on the court with your registered team name and logos. Every team name must have “URG” before or after the name.
URG League is an alternating server league. Note central and eastern time zones are east server; mountain and western time zones are west server.
If a player lags out before tipoff it is an automatic restart. Quit the game and contact the opposing team to match up again.
The following rules apply ONLY to lag outs or other unforced 2K related errors. If you choose to quit out of a game in a tournament or playoff situation it may be a forfeit.
It is recommended common sense is used. If a lag out occurs in the 1st quarter of a game and it’s not a 10+ point game, the game should be restarted, and the game will not count. Ex: You are up 7-2 in the first quarter and someone lags out. That will not count. Ultimate decision on if a game counts is the commissioners.
URG League values teams that work things out on their own and decide things on the court. Teams should not consistently try to get free wins or try to exploit the rules to get a restart. Remember, these players and teams develop a poor reputation in the competitive community over time. If you are really Comp, you don’t do these things.
The URG League commissioner reserves any and all rights to make a unilateral decision on if a regular season game result counts after being presented with the evidence.
In URG League Tournaments, if a lag out occurs you may be required to restart the game and play the time remaining with the same score differential at the time of the lag out. Example: Team A is up 78-70 with the ball on Team B with four minutes remaining. Team B lags out. Team A and B must play the first four minutes of a new game, with Team A winning the tip and given a +8 advantage. (Round to nearest minute). Do not count points to the spread that occur after the first player has quit/lagged out. The team with a lag out must immediately quit as described above for this rule to apply. This rule applies to the time out glitch and all lag outs. If a team is suspected to be repeatedly abusing this rule, URG League reserves the right to not grant that team spreads and disqualify them. Final decision is commissioners. Teams are strongly encouraged to work it out themselves.
All games must be streamed on the registered Twitch account(s). All games must be archived in case admins have to review video.
Every team must have a representative for their team in the league’s Captain Chat. The Captain Chat will be on Discord.
If a team begins a game knowing that their opponent is in violation of any league rule, they are automatically accepting the results of that game.
The burden of proof for rules violations lies with the captains (video, audio, time stamped screen shots). URG League is not required to track down proof itself and will not take a captain’s word for it.
All gameplay violations must be submitted to the “Game Violations” channel within the URG League 2K Discord Server.
1st violation of above rules will result in a warning or forfeit. The 2nd violation will result in removal from the league no refund will be given.
The URG League logo can be found on the league Discord channel “URG League Images” and must be uploaded through the 2K website and applied on the court for all events associated with the URG League. If this isn’t possible reach out to a URG League admin on Twitter or Discord and another method will be determined.
All non-season tournaments except the playoffs will be best of 3 for first – semis and best of 5 for the finals. The Open, and Mid-Season Invitational will be BO1.
Every round will last 48 hours. If games aren’t played within those 48 hours, then it will be at admin’s discretion to continue the series or simulate.
If a series begins it must end the same night. If a team signs off without consent, it is considered the same as conceding the series. The only exception would be if both teams agree AND you have attained admin consent to finish the series the next day.
Tournament games that are not played are subject to be simulated where a random winner will be selected. Or the team that shows to be more active.
We expect all teams to play their games. If it becomes a trend that teams are not getting games completed, then those teams will be removed from the tournament and no refund will be issued.
The regular season and open tournament will begin on opening night or when the bracket is released.
The URG Open will be BO1 from the first round to the finals. Each round will have a 24-hour deadline.
In some emergency cases, we will give an extension. If both teams cannot agree on an extension, we coin flip the matchup, this ruling is final.
All box scores must be submitted to the appropriate discord channel within 24 hours of the completed game.
All Regular season and tourney games must be streamed by one player on each team. This is to allow proper enforcement of league guidelines.
The URG League logo must be present somewhere on the court during any associated event.
Each team’s roster must be correct when submitting box scores. If the winning team submits a box score with players that are not appropriately registered this team will be given a forfeit until the roster is corrected.
Cannot add a player from a team that was previously participating on an eliminated team.
If a team is caught submitting a box score that is recognized as flagrantly invalid, the win will not count, and the team may be given a loss as punishment.
All roster transactions must be made before the game is played to avoid penalty.
Each team may face each other a maximum of four times during the regular season. If the series is tied at 2-2 these two teams may play a fifth time.
The regular season will last approximately 2-2.5 weeks after the opening night.
Playoff seeding will be determined by the admin’s judgement of each team’s strength of schedule, total wins, win percentage, and overall activity.
Teams that complete more total games will be rewarded when seeding for season tournaments.
Each team must meet the minimum requirement of games played to receive invitations to playoffs (15).
The intent of the Timeliness Rule is to create a competitive environment that is respectful of an opponent’s and viewers’ time. After a game time is established, create a chat with your opponent and @URGLeague2k twitter reporting the game time. Both teams must agree.
If you do not report your game times to URG League in advance as described above, we will not enforce the on-time rules.
You must notify the opposing captain 60 minutes in advance to reschedule. The scheduled series can only be pushed back a maximum of one hour. The series may not be pushed back past 12:00 AM Eastern, even if that’s less than one hour from the original start time.
The primary accepted form of communication is Twitter for scheduling purposes as the captain and team twitter are listed on the website. Discord is also an accepted secondary form of communication and will be upheld as valid, but twitter should be used for scheduling first. PSN or Xbox messages are not the correct way to contact teams.
Games must begin within 30 minutes of the scheduled game time, and each team’s stream must be up showing 5 players in the arena on a stream that has been provided at or before the scheduled matchup time. If this does not happen, the team that is late will lose game 1 of the series, at the Admin’s decision.
Every 30 minutes after that a team is late will result in a forfeit of a game in the series.
Example: 60 minutes late will be an 0-2 deficit (series forfeiture if a 3 game series). 90 minutes late will be an entire 3 game series forfeiture.
URG League reserves the right to not enforce the timeliness rule for any reason.
Reasons URG League may elect to not enforce the rule include but are not limited to first time offenders.
Spread rules are in effect (see spread rules section). But you may not choose to quit out of the game. If you choose to quit out of the game for reasons such as “it feels laggy” repeatedly without the opponent agreeing, your team may be forfeited. The only acceptable reason to quit a game is that you lagged out or another reason beyond your control. You may be given one warning or forfeited.
If the game does not start within 10 minutes of both teams being in the arena, URG League may elect to coin flip the series. If it is one team causing the hold up, URG League may elect to forfeit the series. Teams should be respectful of the viewers’ time.
After every game, the winning team will submit the box score with the game results. Only one screenshot is needed from the winner which must include the stats for both teams.
We will only accept high-quality images. We will not accept blurry images or pics of your TV screen displaying the stats. Our stats team needs to easily see the stats on the box score.
Box score must be submitted by posting them in the proper screenshot channel in the URG League 2K Discord Server. All games posted must be labeled.
Format for labeling game screenshots in discord must be “Team A vs Team B”. Team A is the top team in the screenshot and Team B is the bottom team in the screenshot.
If a Win/Loss has been awarded to the wrong team then the team captain will contact an admin member with screenshot proof showing the game results. The admin member will make changes accordingly.
Posting results on Twitter is strongly encouraged for your own social media marketing benefit. However, it is insufficient for reporting tournament results. You must use the discord.
If during a tournament you have exhausted all efforts to schedule the game and your opponent has not set a time, post proof on Discord before the end of the round (but not more than 8 hours before the end of the round).
Once you’ve registered your team with your roster, any additional players added will be charged an additional player fee.
Teams can only play tournament games with players that are on their roster.
If a team member changes their name, then the captain must update the roster through the website in the roster changes tab. If the player’s name is not updated and is found playing on a team, it will result in a forfeit for playing with players not on the roster.
A player can only play on ONE team. Playing on multiple teams at once will result in all parties being removed from the tournament with no refund.
Cannot add a player from a team that was previously participating on an eliminated team.
1st time playing with a player not on your team roster will result in a forfeit or warning. 2nd time playing with a player not on your team roster will result in being removed from the league with no refund.
Please visit the Roster channel on the URG League discord to adjust your roster.
In a case of certain circumstances, an emergency sub may be made in the postseason. The team must pay the associated fee.
Rosters will lock after the last night of regular season play.
All gamertags/PSN’s on a team’s roster must be valid. The gamertag/PSN must be legitimately owned by the user on the roster.
Legitimate ownership: You may not share, buy, sell, rent, trade, or transfer to acquire any account on the roster. The actual owner of the account must play on it.
Opponents are responsible for identifying violations of these rules in advance of playing the game. It is not the responsibility of the URG League staff to police your game.
If a team begins a game knowing that their opponent is in violation of any league rule, they are automatically accepting the results of that game.
An opponent should identify a violation by requesting a mic check before playing the game. If it is clearly not the correct person on the account, you can request to wait until they have a legitimate team. Timeliness rules will still be in effect.
Proof must be provided to support any claims of an ineligible player playing in a game. The proof must be clear to read/hear and not edited, cropped, or otherwise tampered with.
When disputing account use, you must have proof to back up your claims. You cannot dispute without providing valid proof. If you do not have proof to support your claims, you should not dispute. Disputing without providing valid proof may result in you getting banned.
Video proof is necessary. Text forms of proof are unlikely to be accepted if not overwhelming.